Last week, I was (again) inspired by my creative friend, Amber.  Those of you who are unfamiliar with her, check out her blog. She’s awesome.  A couple weeks ago (and at another time further in the past–a year ago???) she documented–through pictures–what her life is like during any given week.  The first time she participated in this I thought, “what a great idea!”  This time when she did it I thought, “I could probably do that.”  So starting tomorrow, I’m giving it a shot.

I can’t sew or knit like her, I’m not good at or patient enough to scrapbook like her, and I definitely can’t take pictures like her, but I can give you a snapshot into what a week is like for me.  And even though I’m a good two weeks late in joining in with the rest of the crafty world on this project, I’m doing it anyway.  Let me know what you think!